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This hand thrown stoneware egg poacher cooks a perfectly poached egg in your microwave.  No oil or water is needed!  Cleanup is a breeze. Simply crack the egg in the base, cover and heat for 25 - 35 seconds.  You will get a silky, firm egg white and a soft, runny yolk. Prefer a hard cooked egg?  Just set the time for a few more seconds. Scramble your egg and add cheese and/or veggies.   Cooking time is about the same.  

It is a favorite of those who hate the sticky clean-up of poaching an egg in a saucepan on the stove. Both young and old love it because it makes poaching an egg so easy!

The hole in the lid allows steam to escape.  Since every microwave varies in both voltage and heat settings, you may need to adjust the power and/or time should your egg over or under cook.

Stoneware is safe to use in conventional ovens, convection ovens, microwave ovens, and is lead-free, freezer-safe and dishwasher safe.

Egg Poacher, Green

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  • Schumaker Pottery is infused with animation and strength the moment it is pulled from the clay.  As one holds a piece of hand thrown pottery, human touch can be felt in the thumb hold of a handle or the lines of a bowl.  Both stoneware and porcelain are functional and food safe.   Every piece is oven and microwave safe, dishwasher safe,  lead free, durable and beautiful.

    Each piece is handled at least six times.  The clay is kneaded, thrown, trimmed, bisque fired, glazed and finally glaze fired.   The life cycle of a pot is about 6 weeks.  

    Stoneware and porcelain are fired at high temperatures, above 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit.  Both are nonporous.  When you fire clay, you are essentially speeding up the geological process and creating non-permeable stone!

    Ideas for Special Orders:

    Names and dates can be inscribed on the sides or bottoms of pots to add a personal touch.


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